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New Technology to Try in the New Year

New Year, new you? The one constant in life is change, and each new year usually brings some changes our way, both big and small. Are you planning any...

Where are you headed?

Where are you headed this year? Not just physically, but emotionally and mentally. Are you looking forward, or backward? Where we place our attention ...

5 Tips to Boost Brain Health

Most of us are guilty of bad habits that can hurt the brain. We don’t sleep enough. We eat too much junk food. We don’t socialize enough. ...

Spark Personal Growth with Travel

First, Research So much of having a good trip happens before you even leave. Where do you want to go? Do you know any friends or family who have tr...

It’s Never Too Late to Set New Goals

5 Tips to Help You Reach New Heights As 2024 comes to a close and we turn the page to a new year, many seize the opportunity for a timely, positive...

The Importance of Resiliency

So, how is your comeback going? The truth is, most of us are in the middle of a comeback, right now. We're coming back from a broken heart or a...

5 Keys for the Modern Caregiver

Caregiving is a journey that every one of us are likely to face in some fashion in our lives. As former First Lady of the U.S. and caregiving advocate...

The New Age of Aging

New Study Reveals Dramatic Shift in the Ways Americans Look at Their Later Years Scientists and sociologists tell us that there is an entirely new ...

The Importance of Making & Keeping Adult Friendships

3 Practices to Embrace + Common Mistakes to Avoid For many, making friends seemed a lot easier when we were kids than it is now in adulthood. Raisi...
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