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Managing Holiday Stress: Tips for Sandwich Generation Caregivers

It’s not easy being a sandwich generation caregiver, especially during the holidays. How do you avoid burnout, organize your priorities, and create ha...

Starting New Family Traditions after Downsizing & Other Changes

Enjoying a smaller space after downsizing can leave you wondering how this adjustment might affect some family traditions, especially if you’ve been t...

4 Tips for Black Friday Shopping

Black Friday can be a fun time to shop and save, but today, when many stores are running sales all month long and into December, it can be a little mo...

Holiday Budgeting Tips for Seniors

Inflation plus the adjustment to retired life or a new low income might have you worried over holiday spending. With a little planning and some helpfu...

Decluttering for the Holidays: Create a Cozy, Calming Space

  Why Declutter Before the Holidays? The holidays are a great time to make space in your home for what you need and what brings you joy. ...

How to Manage Your Move to Senior Housing

Once you've decided to take charge of your own health, safety, or social needs by moving to a Senior Living Community. 1. Prepare in advance Whe...

Decluttering and Downsizing: A Guide for Seniors and Their Loved Ones

Guest Blog by Julie Weaver Throughout our lifetime, it’s easy to accumulate belongings that we may no longer use. Whether it’s a gift you didn’t wa...

4 Beginner Tips For Planning Your Retirement

For many of us, retirement seems like a distant future, or as Star Wars says, “in a galaxy, far, far away.” But time has a funny way of catching us of...

A Guide To Starting A Constructive Conversation With Mom & Dad

In this world, we’re getting older and living longer, and senior adults are changing what it means to age well everyday. So, how can we help our loved...
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